Why you should work with a Baby and Toddler sleep consultant
Are you exhausted from sleepless nights, struggling with getting your baby into a routine during the day that allows you to put them down in their cot so you can have some time to yourself? You are not alone, and the answer could be more simpler than you think: working with a baby and toddler sleep consultant!
Here is why parents are turning to professional to help get the rest they need:
1 . Expert Guidance Tailored to your family no two babies are the same and neither are their sleep needs. Parents also have different goal for their family, maybe you want to be able to take your little on to the gym in the morning while they nap you get in a work out, or that you want them to have a long sleep in the middle of the day so you don't feel like you need to rush around picking the most important job to do incase they wake up. A sleep consultant offers personalised solutions that work specifically around your baby's age, temperament, routine and family lifestyle. No more guessing games or 2am googline, just clear steps that work!
2. Custom sleep plans and routines trying to find the right sleep schedule or routine can be overwhelming, especially when google tells you many different things! A sleep consultant creates a plan that fits your family's lifestyle and goals giving you the confidence to follow through with proven strategies. Working 1:1 with a sleep consultant allows us to find what works best for your little one
3. Save time and get results faster instead of googling and spending hours if not days trying to find something that works, or changing your approach after 1 attempt of it not working, a sleep consultant provides you with tools and tips that have already helped countless families become well rested. You will spend less time googling and worrying and more time sleeping and doing things that fill your cup. Working 1:1 allows us to deep dive into all areas of your baby's sleep and make changes in real time
4. More time for you, imagine knowing your little one is no longer waking 4 x a night and now consistent 0-1 times, you now have the energy to go for an early morning walk or head to the gym to fill your cup. Imagine having 2-2.5 hours in the middle of your day while your baby sleeps and you no longer have to worry that you only have 20-30 mins to do everything, you will have time for yourself. Imagine being able to have the grandparents settle and put your baby to bed so you and your parents can head out for a much needed date night without the worry and stress of how bedtime is going? Working with a sleep consultant will give you back so much time for yourself, to fill your cup and do things that are important to you
5. On going support for peace of mind beyond the sleep plan, imagine having a sleep consultant in your pocket to to message everyday and troubleshoot when the nap hasn't gone to plan or you have plans that mean you will need your baby to nap on the go. A sleep consultant offers ongoing support to help you navigate any bumps in the road. Whether it's a sleep progression, illness or travel you will have me in your pocket to guide you through every challenge.
Sleep is so important for families, not just for your baby's growth and development but for your own well-being too. I am a strong believer that parents can't pour from an empty cup, we need to be well rested and have balance in our life to be the best parents we can be.
If you're ready for restful nights and have more predictable days get in touch today!
Founder of Hello Sleep